Physical sky:
1: create physical sky

2: rotate the light to make it look like early morning

3 rotate it to make it face the camera, eveningish

down - noon
parallel to the horizon - late evening
the light attributes can not be controlled under the directional light options, to change the colour etc we must go to the mia_physical sky tab
multiplier- increases or decreases the light intensity by the value
haze- adds haze
RGB shift - changes to warmer n cooler colour + wwarmer colour, - cooler colour
to get rid of the horizon decrease the horizon height
sun disc intensity increases the disc intensity
sun disc scale changes the scale of the physical sun
glow intensity changes the intensity of the glow
the background is in the alpha so we can edit it in the compositing softwares
when we create a new camera our render shall appear more different than how it os supposed to look when rendered through that camera
when we add the physical sky to the scene the cameras like the perspective ones shall add a mental ray shaders to it under mental ray tab
environment & lens shader
to fix this waht we will have to do is go under the mia_physicalsky1 attribute editor and then scroll to the very bottom and click on update camera connections